Community services

Training and conferences

Accord Mauricie offers a repertoire of training sessions on the themes of conjugal violence, intervention with men and the prevention of femicides. Other customized training sessions can also be offered according to the needs of the community.

Awareness workshops

It is always a pleasure for us to meet youth, students and workers in their own environment. We can organize awareness workshops and information booths, which provide excellent opportunities to reach out to the population as a whole.

Supervision and clinical expertise

Working with men with violent behaviour is a specialty and it is normal to require coaching in order to become and intervener. In order to facilitate referrals but also to support the interveners, Accord Mauricie shares its clinical expertise with resources that request it, as well as by welcoming trainees and by cooperating with the media.

Consultation and research

Working to build a society free of violence requires a collective effort and Accord Mauricie is proud to contribute to consultation and research. Our organization is involved in several local, regional and provincial round tables and collaborates with various public and private research bodies.

Comité intersectoriel en matière d’agression sexuelle et de violence conjugale
Table locale santé bien-être des hommes
Table de concertation santé mentale, dépendance et itinérance de Shawinigan
Carrefour sécurité violence conjugale (CSVC)
À cœur d’homme – Réseau d’aide aux hommes pour une société sans violence
Research projects in partnership with UQTR, UL, Sherbrooke and CRIPCAS